Persecution Relief Daily Manna for the Persecuted
13 April 2024
“_As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.” Philippians 1:13_
From this scripture, Paul tells us that it was made clear to all his observers and even the palace guard that his imprisonment was not due to any crime but because of his commitment to Christ. This was well known among the community at the time. This became one of Paul’s greatest tools to witness, and through his imprisonment, God used this for His good, and many were brought to salvation, including some of the prison guards. Are we facing a similar situation as Paul? Perhaps imprisonment because of our commitment to Christ. Beloved, don’t be disheartened. If people know we are enduring these things for Christ, rejoice, because He will use these situations for His Glory.
When we face extreme situations like imprisonment, let us look at these things the way Paul did, who was humbled and honored to be in chains for Christ.
Let us pray that in all situations, God will work through us so that many will be brought to salvation through our witness.
Shibu Thomas
WhatsApp: +91 9993200020
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