Persecution Relief (PR) is a forerunner when serving the Persecuted Church in India is concerned. A non-profit organization cannot succeed without a strong core of volunteers. Although we have 100’s of volunteers serving alongside with us, we always have needs to support and people to reach.
Are you willing to be humiliated, insulted, persecuted, even lay down your life for Christ?” God is not calling for people to make an attempt to lose their lives. Rather, He is calling us to be willing to lose our lives for His sake.
Who can be a Volunteer?
- PR Volunteer must be filled with the Holy Spirit and well versed in the Word of God
- PR Volunteer should agree and abide with PR’s Statement of Faith
- PR Volunteer should abide by PR’s guidelines
- PR Volunteer should have a good reputation in the community they live in
- PR Volunteer should not have a denominational spirit but be willing to support any persecuted Church
- PR Volunteer should be part of a Bible believing Church
- PR Volunteer serves on a voluntary basis – this is not a paid position and not time bound
- PR Volunteer must treat all people of all races, religion, and culture, with respect and consideration
- PR Volunteer will be expected to act and react with Christian love in all situations
- PR Volunteer is discouraged from using any foul language or display of anger
- PR Volunteer must be graceful, compassionate and respectful in speech and written communication
How can you serve as a volunteer?
- Ambassador – How influential are you? Join us in spreading and raising awareness of persecution of Christians in India – to go out with advice and prayer, to Churches, Youth Groups, Bible Colleges, Christian Schools, and other settings; distributing literature and educating while raising awareness about Persecution Relief, with your own resources.
- Videographer – Are you a videographer? Can you make short films, long films, snippets?
- Photographer – Are you a Photographer? Can you visit the persecuted to cover their story, cover events, cover programs etc.?
- Social Media Manager – How knowledgeable are you at managing Social Media sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pin Interest, YouTube)? Can you monitor, contribute, file, measure and guide the presence of our brand in the Social Media?
- WhatsApp Manager – Manage chats on both Android and iPhone, create WhatsApp Groups, archive messages, take a backup WhatsApp messages to computer, Export photos and videos
- Developers – to develop Prayer App. for the persecuted, App for helping the persecuted, to manage and run our existing App. for Persecution Relief Radio
- For PR Studio: Sound Engineers to run, maintain and record for our Persecution Relief Studio
- For PR Office – Accountants, Office Assistants proficient with Microsoft suite, Graphic and Web Designers, people who can assist in forging partnership with Churches and other Christian Organisations, experience to handle mass emails, Telephone /Toll Free Operators, Event Organizers etc.
- Translators – Translation of articles, news etc. in all regional languages (Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu etc.)
- For PRO Team – To speak to Police Dept. for securing release of unauthorized arrest, speaking to Media persons to update persecution stories real-time, write letters to the Prime Minister, President, Ministers etc., writing mails to the International Media, Human Rights Organisations etc.
- For PR Magazine: Are you a writer? Can you help in writing Magazine stories, Press Releases or Publicity Articles, Proof Read, Edit, Printer, Design etc.
- For PR Events – Event Managers to manage Persecution Relief Events – ICMD, ICDPP, ICPDP which are Annual Events
- Prayer Warriors – to organize Prayer Meetings, form teams, connect Districts – to pray for the Persecuted and the Persecutors
Are you willing to visit the persecuted?
- We need Volunteers to visit the Court with believers during Court hearings, to pray, support & encourage them
- We need believers to visit the persecuted families of near ones of those who are in jail
- We need believers to visit families of martyr’s widows to offer them encouragement and prayer support
- We need believers to visit hospitals and pray with the afflicted & persecuted Christians
- We need volunteers to visit the persecuted Churches and lift them up through the Word of God.
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