Persecution Relief Daily Manna for the Persecuted
5 February 2024
“At that time a great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered”. Acts 8:1
Acts 8:1 was recorded as the first persecution that scattered the first century Christians, BUT the Gospel which Satan wanted to destroy was preached everywhere, as Jesus commanded!
Good thus came out of evil! What they imagined as a hindrance, God overruled and made into an advantage. THEN, Jesus used the rage of the enemies to enlarge His kingdom! TODAY He uses the wind of persecution to fan the flames of the Gospel to spread far and wide. We are His seeds!
When persecution scatters God’s children, His Gospel also goes with each of them and takes root everywhere, and the Church will continue to flourish and bloom!
Are you fearful that the persecution you face may end the work of the Lord?
Let’s pray that the Church will realise that persecution can never end its growth; in fact, it acts as a catalyst for the growth of the Church.
There are so many people persecuted all around you for their faith in Christ. In order for them to continue serving the Lord, would you mind forwarding this Daily Manna, so that they may fulfil the calling in their lives?
If you’re blessed by this message, write to us. Also, if you need Persecution Relief Daily Manna for the Persecuted on a daily basis, send us your name, district, phone number and preferred language to +91 9993200020.
Shibu Thomas, Founder, Persecution Relief
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