Persecution Relief Daily Manna for the Persecuted
28 February 2024
_“If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat; And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, For so you will heap coals of fire on his head, And the Lord will reward you.” Proverbs 25:21-22_
While Jesus was in the garden, Judas came to betray Him with a kiss. Even though Jesus knew it, He called Judas a friend. He never pushed him or stopped him from kissing deceitfully, but rather confessed to the soldiers that He was Jesus, the one they were looking for. He washed all the disciples’ feet during Passover, including Judas, knowing that he would betray him. Later, when Jesus was put on the cross, Judas was pierced to the heart with guilt as he went and ended his life headlong. Let us have no evil in us so that God will find us to be righteous when He judges us. Let us be able to hold the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus.
Is there any grudge or enmity towards our persecutors in our hearts? Do we believe that our God is a righteous judge?
Let us ask God to fill us with the same attitude that he carried even towards his betrayer.
_There are so many people persecuted all around you for their faith in Christ. In order for them to continue serving the Lord, would you mind forwarding this Daily Manna, so that they may fulfil the calling in their lives?_
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Shibu Thomas, Founder, Persecution Relief
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