Persecution Relief Daily Manna for the Persecuted
6 April 2024



“_But when the Jews in Thessalonica learned that Paul was preaching the word of God at Berea, some of them went there too, agitating the crowds and stirring them up. The believers immediately sent Paul to the coast, but Silas and Timothy stayed at Berea.” Acts 17:13-14_


When we are proclaiming the good news of the Gospel, the enemy will try to cause chaos by using people to incite anger or stir up others against us. We see this happening today with the fanatic groups and others who stir up trouble against us. Paul was not distracted by this, and he continued as a servant of the Lord. Silas and Timothy still remained behind in Thessalonica because they cared for the believers who were there and for the salvation of those who were unsaved, even the ones stirring up the trouble against them.

Do we persevere when others incite trouble against us because we proclaim the Gospel?

Let us humbly pray to be like the early church, who persevered despite all the opposition against them.

Shibu Thomas
WhatsApp: +91 9993200020

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