Persecution Relief Daily Manna for the Persecuted
2 April 2024
_”… but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew 16:25)_
Jesus warns His disciples and us that, in the midst of persecution, temptations could come to turn us away from carrying the cross and stop us from serving Him. To follow Christ, it is essential to be dead to self. It is worth losing life for Christ rather than losing life permanently without Christ. A true disciple can face any persecution when we are alive in Christ because His life that is in us will flow towards our persecutors. By denying ourselves and taking up the cross to live for Christ, we are not only identifying with Him but will also experience an abundance of life. Hence, losing our lives for Christ is profitable.
Do you face constant pressure to renounce your faith, abandon your church, or compromise your beliefs?
Let us pray that we will be able to live for Christ alone not compromising our faith.
Shibu Thomas
WhatsApp: +91 9993200020
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