Persecution Relief Daily Manna for the Persecuted
10 April 2024



“_The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance.” Acts 12:6_

Peter, who is in a Roman prison guarded by soldiers and facing certain execution, sleeps peacefully. One would expect him to be overwhelmed and worried, but on the contrary, he displays an outward expression of the holy calm that is within him. In the face of a possible painful death, Peter’s solace is Christ, and because of that, he is ready to accept whatever happens to him because he knows it is for the Glory of God. Moreover, the fervent prayers of the church were so impactful and resulted in Peter being at peace. What a holy calm in an ocean of chaos and storms!

Is Christ truly our solace? In the midst of persecution, is there a holy calm in our souls that comes from trusting our Master? And do we understand the impact our prayers have on those who are imprisoned?

Let us pray that our souls will find peace and rest in Christ alone, no matter our external circumstances.

Shibu Thomas
WhatsApp: +91 9993200020

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