List of Partner Churches :
- All India United Christian Front.
- Assemblies of God.
- Association of Medical Doctors of Asia (AMDA).
- Akhil India Pentecostal Aikyavedi.
- Alpha Bible Church.
- Apostolic Churches Alliance, Trivandrum, Kerala.
- Bethel Medical Mission
- Cefi Diocese.
- Chhattisgarh Christian Fellowship.
- Christian Legal Association.
- Church of God (Full Gospel in India).
- Council of Ludhiana Churches.
- Christian Community Welfare Council of India.
- Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America.
- Global Mission Association.
- Gospel Echoing Missionary Society (GEMS).
- Heavenly Feast.
- Indian Christian Youth Federation.
- Indian Dalitha Christian Rights.
- Indian Christian Development Association.
- Indian Evangelical Team.
- Indian Pentecostal Church of God.
- Indian Pentecostal Church of God (Northern Region).
- Indian Christian Development Association.
- Indian National Pentecostal Association.
- Jesus the King People Association.
- Karnataka Christian Rakshana Vedhike.
- Kodaikanal Christian College.
- Masih Sena.
- Mission India.
- Nation Blaze.
- New India Church of God.
- New Life Fellowship Church.
- New Life Power Gospel Fellowship.
- Pentecostal Council of India.
- Sharon Fellowship Church.
- Synod of Pentecostal Churches.
- Sparsh Bharat Mission.
- Telangana Christian Council.
- Touch Asia International.
- United Christian Association.
- United Christian Forum.
- United Christian Welfare Association.
- Uttaranchal Christian Fellowship.
- Vision India.
- Western District Council of the Assemblies of God, North India.
- Yesu Ashram.